ALL courses, seminars, treatments & house harmonizations with the "König-Breuss-gsundsi® Method" are in connection with SOUL LANGUAGE / LIGHT LANGUAGE & the "Light Powers" to make the gigantic transformation power possible at all!

You want to finally "untie the knot", no matter what it is and do everything necessary for YOUR life in clarity, power, success, strength and self-empowerment? Then use YOUR chance NOW!

Soul language Self-Healing GOLD course

(LIVE-Zoom & VIDEO Course)
3.900 once
  • Duration: 12 weeks
    13 LIVE-Zoom Sessions 3 hour each
    12 VIDEO Modules with 1 - 2 hour each
  • The SOUL LANGUAGE / Light Language Self-Healing GOLD Course gives you the Chance to awake the SOUL LANGUAGE - LIGHT LANGUAGE within YOU and a SERIOUS TEACHING to energetic possibilities of the "King-Breuss-gsundsi® Method".

    1. Light powers invocation
    2. Heart Opening Methods
    3. Forgiveness & karma resolution ritual
    4. SOUL LANGUAGE info, energy clearing & SOUL LANGUAGE training / practice
    5. Energy & Karma clearing with your past
    6. Mom & Dad forgiveness ritual
    7. Partnership: Protective behavior & patern release
    8. Dissolve water veins, electro smog, Karma, negative energys, problems with neigbours in your home
    9. Dissolve water veins, electro smog, Karma, negative energys, problems with neigbours in your WORK + problems with Co-workers
    10. Beliefe patterns, fears, self sabotage clearing
    11. Finance problems, lack transformation for more success
    12. Church Karma, Morpic field, Duality release
    13. Awaken "Angelic Wings" and your true devine power
    14. Finding the SENSE of life

    TOTAL 14 x Energetic cleansing ritual of you through Michaels SOUL LANGUAGE clearing power!
  • A mixture of Grandpa´s secret prayers, SOUL LANGUAGE, forgiveness, light powers and much more, as well as intuitive knowledge and experience from 17 years is available to YOU in this LIVE-Zoom & VIDEO course.

    A sustainable transformation in your life can happen with it!
  • Plenty of transformation / remote healing and applicable knowledge & skills
  • 1 personal online treatment!
  • ALL existing energetic transformation videos
  • 3 x ALPHA OMEGA bed energy transformation session
  • 1 personal "get to know" and "good by" talk
  • 13 Group Q&A
  • Telegramm Group for Members & Michael for exchange
  • 1 bottle of Yagna-healing water
  • Access to the member area (soul language info, rituals for forgiveness, dissolving rituals, water veins, rays & energy dissolving, prayers, connection & heart opening methods "grandpa healing knowledge" and much more).
START jan 2024

Customer Review / Feedback

2) Spezial & SOUL LANGUAGE Mini Course

(VIDEO course)

Soul language Self-Healing MINI course

(VIDEO Course)
199 once
  • Duration: 10 VIDEO Modules with 1 hour each
  • The SOUL LANGUAGE / Light Language Self-Healing MINI Course gives you the Chance to awake the SOUL LANGUAGE - LIGHT LANGUAGE within YOU and a good Introduction to energetic possibilities of the "King-Breuss-gsundsi® Method".

    1. Light powers invocation
    2. Heart Opening Methods
    3. Forgiveness & karma resolution ritual
    4. SOUL LANGUAGE info, energy clearing & SOUL LANGUAGE training / practice
    5. SOUL LANGUAGE info, energy clearing & SOUL LANGUAGE training / practice
    6. Mom & Dad forgiveness ritual
    7. SOUL LANGUAGE info, energy clearing & SOUL LANGUAGE training / practice
    8. Partnership: Protective behavior & patern release
    9. Dissolve water veins & electro smog
    10. Finding the SENSE of life

    TOTAL 7 x Energetic cleansing ritual of you through Michaels SOUL LANGUAGE clearing power!
  • A mixture of Grandpa´s secret prayers, SOUL LANGUAGE, forgiveness, light powers and much more, as well as intuitive knowledge and experience from 17 years is available to YOU in this VIDEO course.

    A sustainable transformation in your life can happen with it!
  • Plenty of transformation / remote healing and applicable knowledge & skills
  • Access to the member area (soul language info, rituals for forgiveness, dissolving rituals, water veins, rays & energy dissolving, prayers, connection & heart opening methods "grandpa healing knowledge" and much more).

Soul language -
Light language course

(VIDEO Course)
99 once
  • Duration: 5 VIDEO Modules with 1 hour each
  • The SOUL LANGUAGE / Light Language Course gives you the Chance to awake the SOUL LANGUAGE - LIGHT LANGUAGE within YOU and a smal Introduction to energetic possibilities of the "King-Breuss-gsundsi® Method".

    1. Light powers invocation
    2. Heart Opening Methods
    3. SOUL LANGUAGE info, energy clearing & SOUL LANGUAGE training / practice
    4. SOUL LANGUAGE info, energy clearing & SOUL LANGUAGE training / practice
    5. SOUL LANGUAGE info, energy clearing & SOUL LANGUAGE training / practice

    TOTAL 4 x Energetic cleansing ritual of you through Michaels SOUL LANGUAGE clearing power!
  • A mixture of SOUL LANGUAGE, forgiveness & the power of light beings as well as intuitive knowledge and experience from 17 years is available to YOU in this VIDEO course.

    A sustainable transformation in your life can happen with it!
  • Plenty of transformation / remote healing and applicable knowledge & skills
  • Access to the member area (soul language info, rituals for forgiveness, dissolving rituals, water veins, rays & energy dissolving, prayers, connection & heart opening methods "grandpa healing knowledge" and much more).

Customer Review / Feedback

3) Soul Language / Light Language / Talking in tongues Course

(ONLINE & LIVE) - so far only in GERMAN!!

awakening - course

(ONLINE LIVE Group course)
450 once
  • Duration: 2,5 Days
    Fr. 5pm - 9pm, Sat. & Sun. 9.30am - 6.00pm
    Zoom-LIVE-Group-Webinar (with recording)
    START: June 21th - 23th 2024
    + Karma Clearing!
    The SOUL LANGUAGE / Light Language Course gives you the Chance to awake the SOUL LANGUAGE - LIGHT LANGUAGE within YOU and a smal Introduction to energetic possibilities of the "King-Breuss-gsundsi® Method".

    1. Light powers invocation
    2. Heart Opening Methods
    3. SOUL LANGUAGE info, energy clearing & SOUL LANGUAGE training / practice
    4. Learning of energetic clearing & healing methods for humans, animals, buildings & nature
    5. Group healing sessions
    6. Clearing of COVID vaccination, PCR-Test & Shedding sideffects
    7. Building harmonization
  • *Experience the power of YOUR SOUL LANGUAGE and YOUR SOUL SONGS!
    *Experience YOUR true SELF and feel Transformation as never before!
    *The language of your Heart is a Grace of the time right now, to clear unconscios Blockages in us through divine Light!
  • Deep-seated blockages, seals, implants and magic of all epochs as well as shocking experiences from this and other lives / karma are released.
    *Your soul plan, your soul path can show you the language of the soul as well, since the source itself speaks to you through you!
    *The possibilities are limitless!
  • Access to the SOUL LANGUAGE member area (soul language info, rituals for forgiveness, energy dissolution, connection & heart opening methods & building harmonization)
  • Telegramm Group
21. - 23.7.2024

awakening - course

(LIVE Group course)
540 once
  • Duration: 2,5 Days
    Fr. 5pm - 9pm, Sat. & Sun. 9.30am - 6.00pm
    START: 2024
    + Karma Clearing!
    The SOUL LANGUAGE / Light Language Course gives you the Chance to awake the SOUL LANGUAGE - LIGHT LANGUAGE within YOU and a smal Introduction to energetic possibilities of the "King-Breuss-gsundsi® Method".

    1. Light powers invocation
    2. Heart Opening Methods
    3. SOUL LANGUAGE info, energy clearing & SOUL LANGUAGE training / practice
    4. Learning of energetic clearing & healing methods for humans, animals, buildings & nature
    5. Group healing sessions
    6. Clearing of COVID vaccination, PCR-Test & Shedding sideffects
    7. Building harmonization
  • *Experience the power of YOUR SOUL LANGUAGE and YOUR SOUL SONGS!
    *Experience YOUR true SELF and feel Transformation as never before!
    *The language of your Heart is a Grace of the time right now, to clear unconscios Blockages in us through divine Light!
  • Deep-seated blockages, seals, implants and magic of all epochs as well as shocking experiences from this and other lives / karma are released.
    *Your soul plan, your soul path can show you the language of the soul as well, since the source itself speaks to you through you!
    *The possibilities are limitless!
  • Access to the SOUL LANGUAGE member area (soul language info, rituals for forgiveness, energy dissolution, connection & heart opening methods & building harmonization)
  • Telegramm Group

Customer Review / Feedback

4) Personal Sessions


Individual Treatment-Karma, External Energy & Fear Transformation

480 per session with 2-3 Hours
  • Treatment with the “König-Breuss-gsundsi® Method" per Zoom-Meeting with recording or LIVE in Saalfelden/Salzburg
  • Speciality: so far unsolvable karmic & external energy causes that go "eternally far" back ....and prevent progress! ...almost EVERYTHING has THERE its cause well as PCR test Micro CHIP & COVID vaccination neutralizeation
  • *Clearing of Aura / Chakra / whole energyfield (Aurachirurgie)
    *Clearing of fear, blockages, durkness, worrys, Hopelessness
    *Liberation from external energies, astral beings, souls of the deceased
    *Relief from PCR test foreign body feeling, malaise etc. after PCR test
    *Liberation from KARMA with people, places, time epochs
    *Deliverance from curses, imprecations, self-curses, magic
  • Effekt / goal:
    *Energetic & mental clarity Mental, spiritual & physical burden falls away.
    *Connections become clear and can be solved
    *Self-confidence, strength & courage to stand by the OWN TRUTH!
    *Natural radiance & glow of the eyes
    *Natural beauty & youthfulness
    *Internal calmness & peace of mind
    *Forgiveness & peace between disputants (parents, siblings, neighbors, boss....)
    *Life energy, zest for life & motivation returns
    *Partnership can unfold
    *occupation comes to run
    *sense of life can be recognized & lived
    *Confidence, inner radiance, joie de vivre and will to live awakens
    *Health can unfold

Single treatment-"casting out devils" & removing aliens, implants & agreements

1.111 per session with 2-3 Hours
(Due to the enormous amount of energy and complexity, this price is for this type of work!)
  • Special treatment with the "König-Breuss-gsundsi® method" for EXTREMELY stressed people because of this energys, people whoe where already at 10, 30, 50 Therapists, so far without success.
    Per Zoom meeting with recording or LIVE in Saalfelden/Salzburg
  • Specialty - "Devil Satan", Demons & extraterrestrials.
    *Removal of chips & Implants, soul selling, blood rituals, etc.:
    *resolution & Peace of previously indissoluble alliances, contracts, deals, soul selling, sex magic, red magic, ritual acts, curses, etc. with the "devil", demons, & extraterrestrials!
    *Karmic & External energy causes that go "forever far" back .... and prevent progress! EVERYTHING has its cause THERE!
    *Especially when 10, 30, 50 therapists have been "on" with no success so far... Michael has been able to help so far! (But it is NOT a promise of healing!)
  • *Cleansing of the aura / chakras / total energy field (aura surgery)
    *Soul Selling, Sex Magic, Chips & Alien Implants, Nocturnal "Visits" & Operations, Energy Siphoning, Matrix Coupling, Retention Mechanisms, Mind Control, Curses, curses, self-curses, magic...
    *Release from fear, blocks, darkness, heaviness , hopelessness, pain & Suffering
    *Release from KARMA with these beings, places, epochs
  • Effect / Target:
    *Energetic & Mental Clarity Mental, Mental & physical burden falls
    *Relationships become clear and can be resolved
    *forgiveness & Peace between disputing parties (devil aliens & DU)
    *Confidence, Strength & Courage to stand by your OWN TRUTH!
    *Natural radiance & Eyes Glow
    *Natural Beauty & Youthfulness
    *Inner peace & Calmness of mind
    *Energy of life, joie de vivre & Motivation returns
    *Partnership can unfold
    *Job gets going
    *Meaning of life can be recognized & to be lived
    *Confidence, inner radiance, joy of life and will to live awaken
    *Health can unfold

This is NOT a guarantee and NOT a promise of a cure! It is only a chance for improvement! Previous results are not a guarantee of present results. There can be no 100% guarantee of the hoped for effect for every person, because every person is different, the symptoms have spread differently, the consciousness, the belief, the original life plan, the life situation, the will to live of every client is different. This can not replace treatment by a doctor / alternative practitioner.

5) Dowsing & Hause / Appartement-Harmonization


Wünschelrutengehen / Mutung von Wohnung-, Haus & Grundstück

LIVE vor Ort
550 p. Std. + Fahrtkosten
  • Auffinden/Muten von Wasseradern, Bruch, Gitternetzen, Elektrosmog, Dimensionslöcher, Seelen Verstorbener usw. mit Wünschelrute, Pendel, Elektrosmog Messgeräten & Intuition - LIVE bei DIR zu Hause
  • Damit erkennst du wo die Störenergien herkommen. Warum du Schmerzen & Probleme an Rücken, Becken, Partnerschaft, Psyche, Alpträume usw. hast.
    Sehr viel hat DORT seine Ursache ... Deine Krankheit, Krebs, Psychiatrie, Suizid, Trennung uvm. kann damit ev. ERKLÄRT und im besten Fall auch GELÖST werden!
  • Arbeitsinhalt:
    *Auffinden der Störzonen
    *Markieren der Störzonen
    *Erklärung der Zusammenhänge
    *Zusammenhänge werden klar und können gelöst werden
    *Aufzeigen der Lösungsmöglichkeiten mit Symbolen, Gebeten, Heilritualen.
  • Effekt / Ziel:
    *40 Jahre Erfahrung meines "Heiler-Opa" & 17 Jahre eigene Erfahrung führen zu DEINER optimalen Lösung!

    Lösung siehe:
    + "Energetische Wohnungs-Harmonisierung"
    + "Energetische Haus & Grundstück Harmonisierung" wirkt!

    !Dies ist KEIN Heilversprechen, sondern Erfahrung aus 57 Jahre Vergangenheit! Es kann jedoch keinen Arzt oder Heilpraktiker ersetzen.

Energetische Wohnungs-Harmonisierung

ONLINE oder LIVE vor Ort
550 komplette Arbeit für 1 Wohnung
  • Intuitives Wahrnehmen der Störverursacher mit gleichzeitiger energetischer "Auflösung / Harmonisierung" per Zoom-Meeting mit Aufzeichnung für evtl. spätere GRATIS Wiederholung durch dich.
  • Spezialgebiet: Ursachen & Probleme die bisherige Berufskollegen NICHT lösen konnten!

    Energetische "Auflösung / Harmonisierung" durch
    1) Hilfe der "Lichtmächte"
    2) Opa´s Strahlen-Auflösungs-Gebete & Rituale
    4) eigene intuitive Fähigkeiten der "König-Breuss-gsundsi Methode"
  • Arbeitsinhalt:
    Wasseradern, Bruch, Gitternetzen, Elektrosmog INNEN (Zählerkasten, W-Lan, DECT...) & AUSSEN (Handymasten, W-Lan Nachbar ...), Dimensionslöcher, Seelen Verstorbener, alte Kriegsplätze, Fluch, Magie, Dämonen, Ausserirdische usw.
    1) erkennen
    2) energetisch "auflösen / harmonisieren"
    3) Göttlich Weisses Urlicht installieren
    4) Herzpunkt aktivieren
  • Effekt / Ziel:
    *Energetische & geistige Klarheit
    *Seelische, geistige & körperliche Last fällt ab
    *besser Schlafen
    *Rückenschmerzen, Becken, Nieren, Nacken usw. können verschwinden
    *Alpträume weg
    *Beziehung kann sich verbessern
    *"Nächtliche Besuche" von Wesenheiten sind beendet
    *Zusammenhänge der Lebenssituationen werden klar und können eher gelöst werden *Selbstvertrauen, Kraft & Mut zur EIGENEN WAHRHEIT zu stehen!
    *Lebensenergie, Lebensfreude & Motivation kehrt zurück
    *Gesundheit kann sich aufgrund beendeter Störeinflüsse erholen

    !Dies ist KEIN Heilversprechen, sondern Erfahrung aus 57 Jahre Vergangenheit! Es kann jedoch keinen Arzt oder Heilpraktiker ersetzen.

Energetische Haus & Grundstück Harmonisierung

ONLINE oder LIVE vor Ort
880 komplette Arbeit für 1 Haus & Grundstück
  • Intuitives Wahrnehmen der Störverursacher mit gleichzeitiger energetischer "Auflösung / Harmonisierung" per Zoom-Meeting mit Aufzeichnung für evtl. spätere GRATIS Wiederholung durch dich.
  • Spezialgebiet: Ursachen & Probleme die bisherige Berufskollegen NICHT lösen konnten!

    Energetische "Auflösung / Harmonisierung" durch
    1) Hilfe der "Lichtmächte"
    2) Opa´s Strahlen-Auflösungs-Gebete & Rituale
    4) eigene intuitive Fähigkeiten der "König-Breuss-gsundsi Methode"
  • Arbeitsinhalt:
    Wasseradern, Bruch, Gitternetzen, Elektrosmog INNEN (Zählerkasten, W-Lan, DECT...) & AUSSEN (Handymasten, W-Lan Nachbar ...), Dimensionslöcher, Seelen Verstorbener, alte Kriegsplätze, Fluch, Magie, Dämonen, Ausserirdische usw.
    1) erkennen
    2) energetisch "auflösen / harmonisieren"
    3) Göttlich Weisses Urlicht installieren
    4) Herzpunkt aktivieren
  • Effekt / Ziel:
    *Energetische & geistige Klarheit
    *Seelische, geistige & körperliche Last fällt ab
    *besser Schlafen
    *Rückenschmerzen, Becken, Nieren, Nacken usw. können verschwinden
    *Alpträume weg
    *Beziehung kann sich verbessern
    *"Nächtliche Besuche" von Wesenheiten sind beendet
    *Zusammenhänge der Lebenssituationen werden klar und können eher gelöst werden *Selbstvertrauen, Kraft & Mut zur EIGENEN WAHRHEIT zu stehen!
    *Lebensenergie, Lebensfreude & Motivation kehrt zurück
    *Gesundheit kann sich aufgrund beendeter Störeinflüsse erholen

    !Dies ist KEIN Heilversprechen, sondern Erfahrung aus 57 Jahre Vergangenheit! Es kann jedoch keinen Arzt oder Heilpraktiker ersetzen.

Soul language - light language - primal language, for healing and heart opening!!

...for the release of karma, external energy &amp base-blockades for YOUR self-empowerment

EVERY Mo. at 8:00 pm is a LIVE lecture on these topics with cleansing / liberation-Soul Language-Meditation!