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Shanti – GERMANY wrote on January 5 2023 at 09:01 I suffered extremely after the PCR test and suffered cerebral pains. Energetically I was very bad since then and it was like everything collapsed. Through Michael’s loving and personal offer, I applied the PCR video and was able to perceive how something that was stuck in my throat was finally removed. It felt like I couldn’t cough it out, like a robot in my throat choking me. After that, it was like everything disappeared! Thank you for bringing your gift to the world for us! Thank you!
- Anja – GERMANYT wrote at 27. May 2022 at 07:34am: The Soul language Self-Healing GOLD Course brings about such a huge transformation that I could never have imagined. Suddenly you feel things that you had never perceived before. I was always looking for this liberation and now I can experience this. THANK YOU Michael for your work. Greetings Anja (GERMANY)
- Karin – SWITZERLAND wrote on May 10, 2022 at 23:22 There are things you can’t describe with words, because words limit; you can’t understand them with your head, but you can feel them with your heart. Soul language is just such a thing! It touched me deeply in my heart and soul from the first moment and gave me the deep trust that the place I have been longing for all my life is always within me, because we are all one and carry the divine spark within us. When one witnesses how soul language gives back the shine and radiance to a person whose eyes had already gone out, it gives hope again that we can all make our light shine. When one looks into the eyes of one’s hitherto unknown counterpart and recognizes therein, you are me and I am you and feels such a deep connection, the primordial consciousness can be felt again as oneness with all that is. Soul language sometimes feels like the warm arms of a mother holding her baby, giving it safety and security and gently rocking it into a peaceful sleep. It can feel like an elixir that catapults you into carefree childhood days full of play, joy and lightness. Then soul language is like coming home to your home full of peace.
Melanie P. – AUSTRIA wrote on 23 March 2022 at 13:17
Had a vaccination and chip elimination treatment with Michael on January 13, 2022. I felt pretty bad after the vaccination. My arm hurt, I felt tired and weak for almost a week, one night I woke up and felt like an object was shot into my nostril, another time I heard like a buzzing and got like an electric shock exactly at one point on my neck. Both experiences were so intense that I became awake and felt it for real. Then I did the treatment with Michael and right after that I felt much better. My whole body was tingling and at the level of the third eye I felt a strong pressure that dissipated after a short time. Since this treatment I have no more complaints, not even at night, and I feel well again. I can only recommend this treatment. -
Erna – GERMANY wrote on March 12, 2022 at 10:20 AM
Dear Michael, during our Zoom session yesterday something came loose in my throat or larynx. I also perceived the fear in me to use the soul language myself. Nevertheless, I would like to overcome this fear or go through it and use this great power again for my benefit and for the benefit of all. -
Melanie P. – AUSTRIA wrote on 23 March 2022 at 12:32
Had my first treatment on the Alpha Omega couch yesterday. It was just amazing. I immediately felt this strong energy and how all the light powers worked on me and they had to work on me a lot, yet it felt very comfortable for me. When I felt that it was going to end, my whole body became comfortably warm and I slept very well afterwards. -
Renate N.- AUSTRIA wrote on February 24, 2022 at 15:41 Michael is the optimal teacher for me because he is super down to earth and well grounded and at the same time totally high vibrational and spiritually connected. He brings a wealth of experience and speaks openly and directly about what he perceives and what he believes needs to be done for personal transformation. In the Soul language Self-Healing GOLD Course I have been in since 7/1, I have already gone through an enormous personal transformation journey!!! People who know me well have already confirmed this to me, that they experience me much more self-confident and much more in my power. I was finally able to make peace with my past, as a result it has become so wonderfully quiet in my head and calm has returned to me. Limiting beliefs, doubts and convictions could also be transformed. Karma between partner, son and me could be resolved. Deceased father-in-law was led into the light. Strong resonance to extraterrestrials was completely dissolved. A complete house cleaning was done. Soul language is exactly what I was still missing in my energetic work! With it, many things can be resolved and changed more easily and quickly, or it opens up a completely new access and possibilities, an incredibly valuable “tool”! Looking forward to everything that will happen even further through this great course!!! Thank you for everything!!!
Wolfgang Maringer – AUSTRIA wrote on 13 December 2021 at 21:39
Did the 3 day soul language seminar a year ago. Was a complete newbie at the time as far as spiritual is concerned. Opened my eyes tremendously and helped a lot to get through these insane times. And I have successfully used it several times to show my son ways out of crises. Thank you Michael
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